Brand visuals:
= Stravalue International
= Logo
What is behind our logo? Which are the strategic dimensions of our logo?
Brand benefits for the client:
= Tailored Made
If I am a SI client, I will receive a personalized service, a personal and face to face treatment and I will benefit from periodical meeting, where the SI team will attend my business development and marketing needs.
= Agility
If I am a SI client, I will receive an immediate, professional and agile answer and I will be treated in a professional manner.
= Ethics
If I am a SI client, I have the confidence that all activities are legal and legitimate, and that I will always be treated in a respectful manner.
= Professionalism
If I am a SI client, I will receive a professional, well documented and factive service, based on quantitative and qualitative data and also, based on years of experience.
= Strategy
If I am a SI client, I will receive a strategic and rigorous service, based on a long term vision, which will allow my brand to define objectives, priorities and strategies.
= Creativity
If I am a SI client, I will receive creative solutions to my company´s needs, being able to develop a different marketing positioning, a higher added value for my clients and more sales.
= Integral Service
If I am a SI client, I will be receiving an integral strategic service, because SI is not only marketing, Si is value for my entire organization/ company.
Brand differential:
= Exclusiveness
In SI, we believe in exclusiveness and that is why we offer a service tailored to our clients’ needs. We believe in quality, not in quantity.
= Long term vision
In SI, we believe in sustained results, and because of that, we always think in objectives, priorities and long term results.
= Dynamism
In SI, we believe in a permanent orientation towards market tendencies and towards clients´ needs.
= Innovation
In SI, we believe in a permanent reinvention and actualization through/by learning from our clients´ experience, through training and business trips in the most interesting current and strategic leading markets.
= Balance
In SI, we believe in balance between strategic rigor and creative innovation.
= Multiculturalism
In SI, we believe in diversity, permanent learning and multicultural visions. In SI, we are different by culture, united by diversity.
Brand Personality:
= Personality
SI = Exclusive, Strategic, Technical, Rigorous, Professional, Etical, Creative, Dynamic, Multicultural, Agile, Open – minded, Continuously learning, Opened to challenges, Long term vision.